Just a few pictures for you to compare with an earlier post-shows how much snow we've lost in the last week or so. The temperatures have made it into the 70s this last week-today it's about 75 degrees. Mud season is in full swing, and the local roads are terrible for driving due to the frozen ground softening up underneath-takes twice as long as I'd like to get anywhere (if I still want to have any shocks and struts left!) Still, I am happy to see the warm weather come, even with the inconveniences with the roads. I have been trying to rake the lawns as they appear, instead of waiting till they are all melted out-it's easier to do them in increments. (Easier on winter-flabby muscles, also! :-) )
We are working on our lawn today too...I will have to post the beautiful pictures I took yesterday of our roses. Guess what we have living in our backyard (under the storage shed)...a great big woodchuck? Ug...don't know how we are going to get rid of it!
Wow! Its looks so beautiful and makes me want to be there!
We are working on our lawn today too...I will have to post the beautiful pictures I took yesterday of our roses. Guess what we have living in our backyard (under the storage shed)...a great big woodchuck? Ug...don't know how we are going to get rid of it!
Look at all that dirt (well mud)! It is sure going to be green up there soon. It is fun to see the farm. Love you all bunches.
Stacie, Marcus and the Idaho Gang :)
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